Category: Accountancy services


How To Improve Your Accounting Strategy

Top Tips To Improve Your Accounting Strategy During Economic Downturn Small businesses are always at the receiving end of economic uncertainties and are hand-to-mouth because they have no futuristic approach to save and build the reserves for uncertainties such as Corona-19. When Covid-19 hit across the world, many small businesses closed down due to cash flow troubles. Economic


Smart Accounting Strategies Every Startup

Smart Accounting Strategies Every Startup should Adopt in 2021 Startups and SMEs are the backbones of every economy. The UAE has built a favorable ecosystem for startups and small businesses over the years. Yet, along with the stories of startup successes, there is an alarming number of startup failures as well. We can attribute the


Accounting Advise For UAE Startups

Accounting Advise For UAE Startups. Doing more with less’ has become the mantra of startups and SMEs across the world in the post-pandemic era. Even the businesses that have not come under the reel of the pandemic are treading cautiously to avoid future risks. Controlling the expenses while maintaining, or even increasing, your quality of


Corporate Finance

Restructuring We advise and assist the integration of acquired businesses, restore profitability, change the operating model to cope with changes in the market, and if needed prepare for eventual disinvestment. We help the organization’s leadership in coordinated initiatives to improve the business’s performance. We also assist in major re-engineering the operational structures. Mergers & Acquisitions


Management Consultancy

Change Management We help  organizations in re-directing the use of resources, business processes, budget allocations, or other modes of operation that significantly reshape the organizations. Change management is a major transformation of the organization and to achieve this successfully, we not only help the senior management devising the best strategic and tactical plans but also


Audit Related Services

Statutory Audit & Assurance Consultancy Our team of auditors provides more than just auditing of your financial statements. Our robust and challenging approach to audit creates value proposition to your business. Working in conjunction with our clients, we act as Personal Advisors and business partners to provide independent quality audit consultancy. Audit Related Services ERM


Taxation Services are Essentials for Business

VAT Businesses need to start preparing in time to be able to comply with the new tax obligations including charging, collecting, and paying VAT to the Tax Authority in a timely manner. It is the right time to start creating awareness and increase knowledge throughout the organization, as well as start assessing the potential impacts


Accounting Related Services

Management Reporting Effective reporting is critical for key financial decisions. Measuring business performance regularly is vital and can provide valuable information to enable you to operate more effectively and grow your business. Our reporting structure will include: • Month-end/quarter-end/year-end closing of accounting books. • Monthly/quarterly/yearly management reports. • Customized reports. • Statutory financial statements in


Economic Substance Regulations In UAE

The UAE Cabinet recently issued the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No.31 of 2019, which requires all in-scope UAE entities to maintain an economic substance. This will be applicable to onshore and free zone companies that engage in certain “Relevant Activities”  Ever since the introduction of economic substance regulations in UAE, people have been raising queries

301 Moved Permanently

Moved Permanently

The document has moved here.